Why is it more difficult for children with autism to learn habits?
Raising a child is an enriching journey that comes with many milestones. From witnessing their first steps to teaching them fundamental life skills like eating, brushing their teeth, and using the bathroom, each stage brings joy and challenges. However, for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), some of these tasks, such as toilet training in autism, can pose unique hurdles.
So, why is it more difficult for children with autism to learn habits? This question naturally arises in the minds of many parents. The answer lies in the distinct ways neurodiverse children process information and learn new habits due to their communication difficulties and sensory sensitivities.
Let’s learn in this blog by ABA Centers of Pennsylvania how parents and caregivers in King of Prussia, Philadelphia, and more cities in Pennsylvania can teach their kids with ASD toilet training with the support of applied behavior analysis (ABA).
Challenges of Toilet Training in Autism
This process, which is typically considered a milestone in a child’s development, can be particularly complex for those with ASD due to various factors inherent to the condition. Neurodiverse individuals often experience difficulties in communication, social interaction, and sensory processing. These challenges can impact their ability to understand and respond to toilet training cues, instructions, and social norms associated with bathroom use.
A study conducted by the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics identified that children with autism showed a resistance of 49.1% compared to neurotypical or neurodevelopmental delayed children.
Moreover, sensory sensitivities can affect their comfort and willingness to go to the bathroom. The sensory experience of toileting, including the sensation of different materials, sounds, and smells, can be overwhelming or aversive for some children with ASD, leading to resistance or avoidance of toileting altogether.
In addition, children may also have difficulty generalizing skills learned in one environment to different ones. This situation means that even if they know to go to the bathroom at home, they may need help with doing so in unfamiliar places, such as schools or public restrooms.
Early Signs of Readiness for Toilet Training
Recognizing the signs of readiness for toilet training in children with autism may require some additional consideration, time, and patience due to their unique traits. However, as a parent and caregiver, some signs may indicate that your child is ready for toilet training; these may include:
- Demonstrates physical signs of readiness, such as staying dry for more extended periods, showing awareness of bodily functions, or being able to control bladder and bowel movements to some extent
- Show curiosity about the toilet, show interest in flushing it, or imitate others using the toilet
- Can understand and follow basic instructions related to toilet use, such as sitting on the toilet or pulling down pants
- Display signs of discomfort or displeasure when wearing a wet or soiled diaper, indicating an awareness of bodily sensations
- While verbal communication might be limited, your child can communicate in some way their need to use the toilet, whether through speech, gestures, or a communication device
It’s essential to keep in mind that every child with autism is unique. Some may develop skills earlier than others, while some may take longer. Comparing your child with others won’t be helpful. Instead, focus on teaching them in small steps using the strategies that we will be sharing with you.
Strategies for Parents to Toilet Training with ABA Therapy
ABA therapy is a scientifically proven type of treatment that can help improve your child’s communication skills, address challenging behaviors, and assist in the acquisition of new skills. It can also teach good habits like potty training. With the guidance of ABA therapists, parents can implement a range of strategies, including:
1. Visual Supports: Create schedules and cues to help the child understand the toilet training routine. Visual aids can include pictures, written instructions, or even a step-by-step guide placed in the bathroom.
2. Consistency and Routine: Establish a consistent toileting schedule to help your child predict when it’s time to use the toilet. Consistency fosters familiarity, expectations, and a sense of predictability in the toiling process.
3. Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques such as praise, rewards, or preferred activities to encourage desired toileting behaviors. Celebrate successes and encourage small steps toward progress.
4. Sensory Considerations: Address sensory sensitivities by making the bathroom environment more comfortable and accommodating. You can start by adjusting lighting and temperature or introducing sensory-friendly toileting equipment.
5. Gradual Progression: Break down the toileting process into manageable steps and gradually increase expectations as your kiddo demonstrates readiness and confidence.
In addition to using the guidance and expertise of ABA therapists, you can find visual aids and online guides specifically designed for children with ASD, for instance, the parent’s guide to toilet training by Autism Speaks.
Contact ABA Centers of Pennsylvania to Enhance the Lives of Your Kids with ASD
Toilet training for children with autism can be a challenging task for families. However, with patience, understanding, and practical strategies like ABA therapy, children can learn to establish routines both at home and in other settings.
For parents seeking professional guidance and support in the routines at home for a child with autism, ABA Centers of Pennsylvania offers specialized programs tailored to individual needs. Our team of experienced therapists utilizes evidence-based practices to promote skill development and independence in children with autism spectrum disorder.
Contact us today at (844) 444-7496 or schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we can assist your family on this journey towards improved quality of life for your child.